Ah, see, this is what we are here to change now, we no longer have to tell the story of how childhood wrenched us from our wholeness, because children are being born now who are not so inclined to let their wholeness go in the first place. We, the elders, can benefit from that change by resonating with the new story: “I was born whole, and I plan to stay that way.” Nothing broken, nothing missing, (the caveat here being that this is true even if appearances would indicate otherwise.)
As for all these toxins that have agitated their (our) brains, there has to be a way to get off of that story too, for the telling of that story does no good for the changing of it. I say this with a bit of street “cred” under my belt, as the mother of a young man born with the attributes of autism. An Abraham-Hicks recording talked about simply laying new pipe, above the ground, to get around a problem of some buried clogging, allowing a simple solution, a circumvention. So, fluoride, radiation, heavy metals, chemtrails, BPA, GMO, glyphosate, etc… the list is so long of our poisons. The new pipe must simply hold us as invulnerable. Or turn the poisons into nothing. Or hold fast to the thought of ones among us who will emerge with ideas to solve and change and renew. Believing in the antidote. Or just mentally shifting to a different world where no one would ever think to poison the people for the sake of profit, power, ignorance, laziness, or arrogance. A world of wholeness, for everyone. Nothing broken, nothing missing.